Lorna's laces, shepherd worsted in color way Sand Ridge, 2 skeins. maggie and i went to a sale (danger, danger!) and we each got some; her's is the mother load color way. we decided we'll make the same project.

also at the sale:
cotton comfort (the label speaks for it's self). i bought 10 skeins, and i'm dreaming up a cardigan sweater for myself (you know, the one you make and the one you love and the one you wear everyday). i've been scheming of the possibility to buy only organic or low-process yarns-- i don't know if i can hold to it because there are so many wonderful yarns out there. i do think i can make more projects with those yarns however.
close up on comfort cotton, silver
also new to the stash, is the
50% wool, 50%mohair custom spun yarn maggie gave me for my birthday (don't you just love when your birthday lasts a whole month?). she found it while on adventure in Taos, NM. It's so lovely, soft and special.
Progress Report:
after 3 attempts of starting (#1: sure it was fitted, a little too fitted. #2: dye lot issue with skein 2, pulled out 2 and started with another skein. #3: dye lot issue not resolved. thought. pondered. checked labels. ah ha! the first skein was the "odd man out". pulled the whole damn thing out and started again) Rusted Root, i'm finally making progress. the actual color is not as fushia, but rather deep red. many thanks to
meike for her motivation to continue, because really, i was starting to think it wasn't meant to be.

the slip-stitch baby blanket is growing. i'm in love with this project-- partly because i am in love with organic yarn-- but you knew that already. i think i'm going to crochet a border around the edge when it reaches the proper length.

here's a picture of the Nursing Shawl-- i really need a new name for it because i'm not making it with the intent to use it for nursing a wee babe. made of beautiful baby alpaca from blue sky alpaca on size US 8 needles. the lace and cable pattern is the perfect combination of easy knitting without being mindless (and being one of
tara's patterns, she would want me to be mindful while i work on it-- and i am.).
in other non-knitting news:i'm looking really forward to planting in the gardens at school. i've become increasingly enthusiastic about biodegradable soaps, compact florescent bulbs, and collecting compost. ski season has ended and now i am thinking about hiking (because walking is really the only "exercise" i enjoy). i've got a few places in mind to go this spring (i've even got a hiking buddy), so i can be ready for a 14er (or 2) this summer. the babies, who i have spent many hours thinking of (and their mothers) while knitting for them, are starting to arrive (just as spring does) and that is rather exciting and happy.