So, for the last 6 years i have been celebrating my birthday with especially kindred spirits: My dear knitting pals. Mary is one of the dearest. I met her in a knitting class neither one of us
needed to take. i was there because i
needed to get out of my small apartment, out of my own depressive head, and just be out with people. (We learned to make
gloves/mittens.) Meeting her literally changed my life. During many a friday evening knitting together she served as teacher, companion, woman of wisdom, sympathizer and second mother. We discovered that, although there were many years in between, our birthday's were just days apart; her's on the 3rd. We absolutely needed to share this event. The first year, is fondly remembered for the blizzard that postponed the sharing of homemade chocolate birthday cake. the following week the weather was slightly better. On the way to meet, my car slide backwards on an icy hill downtown (i was an extremely nervous and uncomfortable driver at the time) and when i finally arrived at the coffee shop it announced, "this better be the best god damn chocolate cake ever!". and it was-- and without it none of the following birthdays would have ever happened (the second year was positively the most beautiful spring day in the world. i gave Mary a huge bundle of hyacinths and daffodils, i knit my first sweater with out a pattern in 21 different colored stripes {i turned 21 that year} and we had our birthday party in the morning over coffee and oatmeal. the third year was grand once again-- at yet another coffee shop. the fourth year was a full blown party, we hauled in the loot and proclaimed, "the best way to have a birthday is with a group of knitters!". The fifth year I was so sick i couldn't get off the couch and had to cancel which broke my heart (we rescheduled later in the spring, but it wasn't in March and it wasn't quite the same).
This year was another great one: with nine knitters in attendance, muffins, fruit salad, chocolate birthday cake and a whole load of presents!

Mary and I always sit together and open our gifts.

We littered the floor with a rainbow of tissue paper. i'm obviously thrilled about something (more home/hand made soap)!

We compared presents.

and shared cards. notice we have the same gift? We each got
In years past mary and i gave each other very similar gifts. I made her a quilt the same year she gave me a vintage cotton quilt top; i knit her a white lace scarf the year she knit me white lace socks; i knit her a
lace shrug the year she made me a cabled shawl.
this year we didn't match, but we still have the same amount of love for each other than all the years of the past.