Saturday, August 12, 2006

Dear One Skein Secret Pal, er, I mean Alyson,

Thank You Berry-Much for the thoughtful August package-- and what quick postal service as well!
First I must start with the hand-made: the beautiful and aromatic eye pillow-- the color is wonderful for the organic lavender scent (and organic flax) that creates its stuffings. It arrived during a week when i wasn't falling asleep easily, and so it went direct to my bed with me the very night it arrived at it's new home. I slept wonderfully! I want to take it every where with me. Not so i can sleep every where but, rather so that i can relax every where. Thank you. It's wonderful. The tea will be great to sample (when it isn't 90+ degrees outside)-- they sell this tea at one of my local yarn stores-- funny yarn connection, eh? The braclet is perfect! i can wear it to work where it can get wet, chewed on, played with and not break-- i love it! The note cards are also wonderful-- how did you know i was pondering those at the book store. I have thought to myself before, "if i had one of those embroidery machines i could make those." But then that thought is immediatly followed with, "I don't believe (as in value it's crafty-ness) in embroidery machines." And last but certainly not least, thank you for the hemp yarn (and the handy tip of soaking it first before using it-- i will do just that!). I can't wait to make something with it, my first thought is a market bag, but then again, i'm not sure. It will have to wait for my creative juices to capture it.

Thank you for all the wonderful packages this summer. It was a fun exchange, and i'm thrilled to know who you are-- i'll definately be reading your blog during my blog-reading-times.

Here's to Knitting,
Good Little Granola Girl

1 comment:

Erin said...

Yay, I found your blog! Looks like your secret pal is pretty awesome. I especially love that lavender eye pillow, just thinking about it makes me relax a little!