Hosting a yarn crawl can be exhausting! Now, don't me wrong, i had a fabulous time-- splendid really (and i know part of the wonderfulness of the whole day was because i haven't really had a day out shopping with friends in a while-- and i didn't do it much as a kid/teenager... but that is another day). However, when i finally arrived at my last destination: home, i was whipped (and the grocery store still loomed ahead).
Perhaps i should start at the begining. Once Upon a Time a knitter and her
yarn buddies had
one LYS in town. But in a
land (not so) far, far away a
new yarn store was due to open it's doors at any moment. While the Grand Ball was not for weeks, the yarn was available, the doors where open wide and the store was a beautiful site to see! "I shall travel to this new yarn store," exclaimed one of the knitters, "and I shall travel to more and make a grand day of it!" Her
fellow knitters relpied with glee, "Yes, I too join this party!" Now at one time, this knitter had called the (not so) far, far away town "Home" and knew the roads to this land very well. "I shall drive
the carriage and you may join me if you wish."
And so with this plan, the three young knitters set out to find the new yarn stores they had not yet made due call.
Upon arriving at their first destination: the Lamb Shoppe-- they were over come with the scope of color reaching to the ceiling. The walls were lined with skeins and hanks of all the softest yarns one can dream of using... if not dream of also buying (i think i can safely speak for us all when i say we have Champagne taste on a beer budget... and no, the
"champagne of beers" does not solve this problem). I would love to share a breath taking picture with you (one that would have a caption something like: The aesthetics of this display, and the natural light that flows into the space, make for a truely enjoyable shopping experience for you and your eyes.) but i forgot my camera at work, of all places. The store owner was very excited and little nervous. But the good nervous that is happy, enthusiastic and little unfamiliar with her new computer/inventory/sales program-- but all was well and good. And we are now on the mailing list. Alex bought several skeins of very pink yarn right at the end of our visit and Erica bought a skein of Trekking XXL.
Our second destination:
A Knitted Peace. This was at one time my LYS and will always have a special place in my heart (with out going into the long story i can tell you that the store literally changed my life for the better.) and so, i felt i needed to share it with some more people. I bought a pair of needles-- nothing fancy.
We took an intermission from shopping (and driving) for falafel and gyro sandwiches at a tasty Greek deli on
Littleton's Historic Main Street.Our third destination was a quick 75 mph drive to
String: A knitting boutique. Lucky planning for us, they were having a Bag Sale: what ever you can fit into one (rather large) bag was 20% off (except needles). Let's just say that we all made some purchases, lapped the store several times and touched lots of yarn. I got
some yarn that i have been wanting for a long time (good little granola girl that i am) and a
tape measure to add to my collection (my justification for yet another tape measure: the bee is a symbol of industry and the name emily means industrious [which i believe i am very much so!]. i think it is quite fitting, not to mention my love of the antique
bumblebee and hive imagery.)
We took a rather
scenic way back to town and landed right back at our home yarn store for quick purchase running into
more fellow knitters (who obviously were not at the local SnB meeting at the time-- tho we all did end up there!)
and then, like is said, i got home and had to go to the grocery store. Exhausted.
but i'd do it again next weekend--well maybe the one after that! But we are headed north next time.